Here in the Seattle area the rain has started up again. As we move into Fall, the weather is getting colder, and soon you’ll turn on the heat in your home, possibly for the first time in months. Use our handy checklist to evaluate your home heater safety. We will cover both portable heater safety as well as hardwired heater safety.

Please note: In this article we are covering electrical heaters only. If your heater uses gas, kerosine, wood or some other fuel type, you should consult an article on safety tips specifically for your type of heater.

Portable Home Heater Safety

Did you know portable heaters are the second leading cause of house fires in the US? If you need to use a space heater, the checklist below can help you ensure it is as safe as possible.

Portable Home Heater Safety Checklist:

Hardwired Home Heaters

Hardwired home heaters can include:

Hardwired heaters are generally safer than portable heaters because they have presumably been installed by a qualified electrician who has made sure that there won’t be any issues with overloading the circuit. They are hardwired, so you don’t need to worry about outlets, cords or extension cords. Even so, there are still some safety tips to keep in mind.

Hardwired Home Heater Safety Checklist:

Do you need a heater installed, or need to make sure your home heating setup is safe and prepped for the cold season? Contact OHM today to get started!